Does collagen actually work?

As we mature, our skin gracefully evolves. While that youthful plumpness can soften throughout the years, there's a certain confidence and wisdom that comes with age. Enter collagen, a word that's become synonymous with age-defying skin.

Collagen is one of the components that acts as the glue that holds our skin cells together, providing it with structure and helping to keep our complexion plump and elastic. However, not all collagen sources are created equal, and understanding how your skin absorbs and uses different forms of collagen can make all the difference in how you approach your skincare strategy. 

We’re diving into the science behind collagen, exploring its role and function in the skin and how you might benefit from including this skin-loving powerhouse in your beauty ritual. 

What does collagen do?

Collagen works in two ways in the skin.

  1. Supplies the building blocks: Once ingested, collagen breaks down into amino acids which can then be used for the production of collagen itself, along with elastin and hyaluronic acid that contribute to skin integrity and elasticity.
  2. Cell cohesion within connective tissue: Collagen fibres along with elastin and hyaluronic acid hold cells together in the skin’s connective tissue.


Over time, the amount of collagen in young, healthy skin has been shown to be greater than 75%, however this declines steadily with age. 


Does supplementing with collagen work?

Yes, if done right. Considering the type, dose, quality and science behind your supplement is key. Collagen supplements have been found to regulate skin functions and can therefore be useful in the treatment of skin ageing.

The research points to Marine Collagen, which is composed primarily of collagen type 1, being effective when it comes to skin health benefits and contributing to a reduction in wrinkles1. The data for bovine collagen (which has type 1 and 3) is, however, limited. This is why the doses are not comparable! Bovine sources of collagen may contain products with higher doses of collagen.

Considering this, Type 1 has superior solubility and is the form of collagen that helps in formation of skin, bones and other tissues, and is ultimately the most effective for cellular repair2

Our collagen

At JSHealth Vitamins, we use the gold standard of hydrolysed Marine Collagen at 3g per dose to provide a clean, easily absorbed source of collagen! We’ve made sure to go above and beyond in sourcing our research-backed Marine Collagen – it is derived from wild cod skin sustainably sourced from the pristine waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, and is tested for low heavy metal content with no chemicals used in the extraction process. 

Most importantly, it is activated through hydrolysation for increased bioavailability in the body to support healthy skin and a radiant glow, where it is up to 1.5x better absorbed than other collagen sources. 

What dose is effective?

Each 3g serve in our JSHealth Vitamins Marine Collagen range maintains and supports collagen formation and health, skin integrity, structure, firmness, hydration, and elasticity, particularly in females

Research has shown that marine collagen was found to increase the level of skin moisture, and the same collagen was able to penetrate and spread into the fibres of hair cells. 

How long does it take to see results from collagen?

A study was conducted in which marine collagen peptides were shown to increase the skin moisture level by 12% in a period of 8 weeks and the collagen density in the skin also increased32. These results were maintained after 12 weeks!

It’s important to note that results can vary among individuals, and what works in a certain timeframe for one, may differ for another.  


  1. Duteil, L., et al. “Specific natural bioactive type 1 collagen peptides oral intake reverse skin aging signs in mature women.” Journal of Aging Research and Lifestyle, 2016, pp. 1–9, Bolke L, Schlippe G, Gerß J, Voss W. A Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blind Study. Nutrients. 2019;11(10):2494. Published 2019 Oct 17.
  2. Naomi, Ruth et al. “Current Insights into Collagen Type I.” Polymers vol. 13,16 2642. 9 Aug. 2021, doi:10.3390/polym13162642
  3. León-López A, Morales-Peñaloza A, Martínez-Juárez VM, Vargas-Torres A, Zeugolis DI, Aguirre-Álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019;24(22):4031. Published 2019 Nov 7.