6 Feel-Good Hacks

In life’s symphony, it is the little notes that come together to compose our happiness. They're hidden in everyday moments – a warm cup of coffee, a deep belly laugh or an unexpected compliment. But what about those days when life throws us curve balls and our moods take a nosedive? Science says that with the right strategies, it's easy to put a spring back into our step... and our psyche.

Read on for our top 6 feel-good hacks to help boost your mood and brighten your day.

  1. Get moving in nature: Combine movement and the great outdoors for a double mood boost. Regular physical activity increases your serotonin levels, leading to a happier and more relaxed state of mind. Whether it's a walk in the park or a backyard yoga session, soak in some sunshine while moving in ways you enjoy. 
  2. Feed your mood: Incorporate mood-boosting foods like dark chocolate, bananas, berries, nuts, seeds and fish into your diet to lift your spirits. For a quick and delicious breakfast mood-booster, try our founder Jess’ Maple Cinnamon Apples. Apples are packed with essential nutrients that can improve mental clarity, while cinnamon has cognitive-enhancing effects paired with antioxidant-rich maple syrup*. 
  3. Take microbreaks: Step away from your screens to clear your mind and give your eyes a break. Studies show that taking short breaks throughout the day can improve cognitive function, reduce stress levels and increase productivity. So go ahead, take a few moments to stretch, watch a funny video, hydrate or simply close your eyes and breathe deeply. Your brain will thank you. 
  4. Practice gratitude: Gratitude has been scientifically proven to boost happiness and improve overall wellbeing. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you're grateful for, whether it's big or small. You can also write down your thoughts in a journal or share them with loved ones. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives, we can shift our perspective and improve our mood. 
  5. Yoga + meditation: Find your inner zen with our calming yoga flows and guided meditation sessions, available in the JSHealth App. Carve out time for mindfulness to reset and recharge. Focusing on your breath can help calm the mind and reduce stress, leading to a more positive outlook. Plus, regular yoga practice has been shown to improve mood and decrease anxiety and depression symptoms.
  6. Try Our 'Mood' Formulas: Feel like your best self with our Mood + Emotional Balance formula, designed to help support emotional wellbeing. Pair it with AM + PM for 24-hour care: support energy production and general wellbeing by day, plus calm the mind and relieve occasional restless sleep at night. 


*Ann Hausenblas, H., Heekin, K., Mutchie, H.L. and Anton, S. (2015). A systematic review of randomized controlled trials examining the effectiveness of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) on psychological and behavioral outcomes. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 13(4), pp.231–240.