Meet the NEW Menopause+ Formula

Our new Menopause+ formula has arrived! It contains a special combination of carefully selected herbs and nutrients to support women during this phase of life. It’s time to celebrate the wisdom of womanhood.

A message from our founder, Jessica Sepel:

“I’m really thrilled to be able to support the JSHealth community at yet another stage of womanhood with our latest supplement created especially for women going through menopause. I’ve combined the herbs Sage, Chaste Tree and Ziziphus with Vitamin B6 and more in this formula, to help support women experiencing some of the unpleasant side effects of hormonal changes during menopause. After all, this is something that, as women, we all go through in our lives and having support is key.”

Let’s take a look at how Menopause + can support you with ingredients at specific doses that are backed by scientific evidence and traditional use…

Night Sweat Support

Sage is used in Western herbal tradition to help assist with symptoms of menopause such as night sweats and excessive sweating. 

Tension Support

Chaste Tree is used in Western herbal tradition to promote menstrual flow and to assist with symptoms of premenstrual tension. Black Cohosh is used in Western herbal tradition as an antispasmodic (reduces muscle spasms) and as a calmative to relax the nervous system. Red Clover is used in Western herbal tradition to support calm nerves and feelings of tranquility. Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C maintain and support nervous system health and function. 

Energy + General Wellbeing

Vitamin B6 maintains and supports energy production and energy levels. Vitamins C and E are antioxidants. Vitamins D3 and K2 maintain and support bone health and help support bone mineralisation.

Learn more about Menopause + formula